Monday 27 June 2011

The Time of Cautious Expectation

This blog concerns my adventures abroad.  Over the next six weeks I shall be excavating at the site of Holar in the Icelandic north near Akureyri and Kot, in the shadow of Mount. Hekla.  Holar is historically important for its role as the episcopal seat of the northern see of Iceland (one of the two oldest sees within the country) and as an educational center from 1106 to 1798.  It is my intention to chronicle my experiences in Iceland in some detail for the benefit of my expected readership of four or five.

Right now, having bought everything that need be bought, I am essentially killing time with A. J. P. Taylor until that moment, six days from now, when I step onto Icelandic Air laden with warm clothes enough to survive an Icelandic summer and as much alcohol as is necessary to kill a small mule.